Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Howdy World!!! Here it is.. Blog # 1

I have been subscribing to a few blogs online that I like and always thought it would be too hard to do my own or too time consuming. Or maybe I just thought it would be too intimidating to me to try and keep up with myself enough to interest other people to read about. But today I finally am taking the plunge. Here we go. The beginning of it all.

So what is this blog going to be about you wonder? Well I thought maybe I would talk about myself a little but that could get boring kind of fast at times so I figured I could add in a little about whatever project I happen to be working on at the time. Which lately has been alot of sewing and learning to quilt. It has kept me pleasantly busy and I think of all the hobbies I have tried out in the past few years this one is the one I like the most. It all started a couple of years ago when I found an old sewing machine in my Grandmother's shed. I asked her what she was going to do with it and she said I could have it. At that time I had no clue how to sew. I mean literally I couldnt even put a button on or sew a hem. This was an old Brother sewing machine that was in a cabinet. The kind that has the different knobs you insert to get special stitches. It had a little water damage to some of the wood but I brought it home and sanded it out. In one of the drawers in the cabinet I found the book and had to read it to find out how to load a bobbin and how to thread it. After that it was like I was off to the races and never looked back. My first projects were these pillows that I had to sew these little tiny pillows together. Each one was stuffed individually and then all of the sewn together to make one big pillow. Here is one below.

Basically I just made all the little pillows and sewn them together, put a back on it and then stuffed it. Eventually I learned how to put velcro in the back so that a pillow could be inserted because it holds shape better. Here is another couple that I made for different people.

After I made a bunch of these and gave them away and gifted them out I moved on to other projects. The main one lately is been purses but I have still been learning how to quilt in between. I will post another entry on my one and only quilt that I have made so far and then I will delve into the many purses I have finished.

HOpe you like things so far and maybe come back and enjoy yourself. Please feel free to leave comments and Thank you for reading!!!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogland!
    you can register your blog too on the quiltbloggers website :
    I check it once a week or so to see who's new.
    I like your little Biscuit Pillows. I tried to make a baby quilt of those once. I was NOT as sucessful as you! I can't wait to see what you do with your Mariner's Compass.
    AND - you look great with the "greatest man in the world" - Remember that I am married to Prince Charming!




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