Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mom's Placemats

I found this very cute fabric on sale for a $1 a yard one day at Wal-Mart that had birdhouses on it. I had an idea to get a yard or so and then doing something with it for my Mom for her kitchen since it has a birdhouse theme to it. I had no idea at the time what I was going to do but one day walking through my favorite sewing shop the Stitcher's Playhouse in Smyrna I found these table place mats with homemade cloth napkins. So I went to an all day Sit and Sew and the ladies out there helped me out a ton and taught me all kinds of things in sewing I didn't know. I appreciate them so much. And then the look on my Mom's face when she opened them at Christmas was work the cramps in my neck sewing all day that session. I think they were great.


  1. Thanks Sam!! I am so sad though that I still have no followers :-( How do I get them to come see my blog?

  2. How cute! And I love the dresden plate, that is a pattern I really haven't tried yet as I don't want to do all them points!

  3. Well thank you very much :-) The dresden wasnt as bad as you think. I just wanted to try it out once so I did that out of scraps. Turned out kinda cute.



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